 My name is Brent, I compose fresh, engaging content for my clients including marketing collateral, branding, and logo design. My background includes retail, customer service, agency, and freelance graphic design, with experience in print, front end design, and digital design projects. I have worked on marketing, advertising, product launch and branding campaigns for companies such as The University of Georgia, The University of Miami, Barneys New York, and local businesses in the New York City and metro Atlanta area.
I am backed by a BA in graphic design and am experienced in Adobe Creative Suite, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Microsoft Office, as well as a recently acqiured certificate in UX/UI. Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign were the first two creative programs I mastered and I am constantly looking to expand this list.
One Forty Five is the address of my website and it is also the address of the Atlanta Daily World. The building itself was erected in 1912 and sits on Auburn Ave, a neighborhood long known as Sweet Auburn, in Atlanta's Martin Luther King Historical District. It was started by my grand uncle and was family owned and operated until 2012. It was the headquarters for the first daily, and longest running African American daily newspaper in our country's history
•Creative Strategy  •Brand Positioning  •Branding  •Brand Guidelines  •Prepress  •Print  •Package Design  
•Front End Web Design  •Planning and Wireframing  •Digital Advertising


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